black is deaf and full of it..

Thursday, April 14, 2005

A private life? I dont think so..

This are some reasons why i dont want to live in the US..
despite the cash..
Some security facts in the so called, "land of the free"

-In large cities, Americans are photographed on the average of 20 times a day.
-Everything you charge is in a database that police, among others, can look at.
-Supermarkets track what you purchase and sell the information to direct-mail marketing firms.
-Your employer is allowed to read your E-Mail, and if you use your company's health insurance to purchase drugs, your employer has access to that information.
-Government computers scan your E-Mail for subversive language.
-Your cell phone calls can be intercepted, and your access numbers can be cribbed by eavesdroppers with police scanners.
-You register your whereabouts every time you use an ATM, credit card, or use EZ PASS at a toll booth.
-You are often being watched when you visit web sites. Servers know what you're looking at, what you download, and how long you stay on a page.
-A political candidate found his career destroyed by a newspaper that published a list of all the videos he had ever rented.
-Most "baby monitors" can be intercepted 100 feet outside the home.
-Intelligence agencies now have "micro-bots" -- tiny, remote control, electronic "bugs" that literally can fly into your home and look around without your noticing.
-Anyone with $100 can tap your phone.
a new technology called TEMPEST can intercept what you are typing on your keypad (from 100 feet away through a cement wall.)
-the National Security Agency has a submarine that can intercept and decipher digital communications from the RF emissions of underwater phone cables.


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